What parents say about us

Whether online or in-person, private or small-group, our research-based curriculum is rooted in both phonological sensitivity and phonics. All students receive an individualized learning plan and work to mastery, at their own pace. Regular assessment and reporting keep lessons focused and effective, and parents informed.

Since she was 3, I had a gut feeling that our daughter was dyslexic. I didn’t believe the teachers who threw around the terms ‘overprotective parenting’ and ‘delayed development.’  My husband (luckily) went online and found The Reading School. Our daughter is now in grade 4 and she’s feeling more at ease with her challenges and proud of her significant development. She’s now got the right tools and skills to learn to read with less struggle and improve her self-esteem. We are ever-grateful to have Diane on our daughter’s learning team.

Noa Daniel

Ontario, Canada

Our son started to struggle in grades 2 and 3.  High energy and a limited attention span presented challenges in understanding written text. He had always enjoyed school but as the written word became increasingly important in the curriculum he was falling behind his peers. We worked with The Reading School for 2 years, during which our son learned decoding strategies to assist in reading comprehension. The results were significant with improving grades, greater classroom engagement and the development of a love – well, at least a “like” – of learning.

John & Joanne Westal

Ottawa, Ontario

Our son has had problems with reading and writing from the outset. We went through the usual testing with a child psychologist who helped identify the problems, but we had no mechanisms to functionally address them. Diane worked closely with our son to identify the specific problem areas, then provided a comprehensive roadmap and resources to help him master the fundamentals of reading and writing. Her thorough report helped us deal with his school and put our minds at ease that, with proper training, he will be successful in school.


Merrickville, Ontario

Jody was assessed with a language learning disability early on in her education and the frustration and constant struggle to keep up with her peers proved to be impossible. Diane Duff’s solution of a modified and tailored program to accommodate her needs stimulated Jody’s desire to achieve a high school diploma and now after 3 years of hard work, she will graduate this summer. Diane’s wealth of knowledge, education techniques, firm understanding of, and compassionate eye to the struggles of teenagers enabled Jody to see her dream come true.

Elizabeth McCabe

Thornhill, Ontario

We are, and will be forever, grateful for the help and continued assistance of The Reading School. Our son was diagnosed with dyslexia just before grade 1. Diane worked with our son’s school and teachers and helped to make them aware of the kind of accommodations and assistance he needs. Diane found the critical key needed to help our son start reading. and the Structured Literacy methods have assisted in his reading and writing skills. Diane is truly an expert in litearcy. Without The Reading School our son would not be where he is today!

Voula & Manny Simantirakis

Ottawa, Ontario

Our son was diagnosed at age 6 with ADHD and a reading disability. Aldo is also a charmer who was very good at manipulating the situation to hide his disability. The neuropsychologist recommended tutoring. I found The Reading School and provided the assessment for Diane, who explained that Aldo has dyslexia and how best to help him. At this time he could not recognize letters or distinguish letters from numbers. His confidence grew weekly, working with The Reading School, and within 6 months he was reading simple words and sentences.

Debbie Mullins

Ottawa, Ontario

In grade 1, our daughter was experiencing tremendous difficulty learning to read and was diagnosed with ADHD. We worked with The Reading School for about 18 months and could not be more pleased with the results. Today our daughter is in grade 3. She is an exceptional reader and constantly performs at the top of her class. Without Diane’s extraordinary teaching methods she would not have overcome her many challenges. It was exactly what our daughter needed and we will forever be grateful for The Reading School!

G & B Clunie

Ottawa, Ontario

Diane taught our 10 year-old son for over a year. Assessments made through the school and privately through an educational psychologist did not give us any insight into our child’s learning problems. The Reading School assessments gave us detailed information about his learning needs and her teaching directly addressed his difficulties and helped to build a solid foundation for his literacy. Despite the hard work to remediate his reading and writing, he was always happy to do his lessons. He rose to the challenge and is thriving in school today.

Barb Miller & Colin Knight

Ottawa, Ontario

When we began working with The Reading School, our daughter was starting grade 3 and could not even read level one readers. Diane’s knowledge of the English language, how to break it down, and how to work with children to build their confidence is exceptional. We began working with The Reading School and, by the end of the school year, she was reading at grade level. A year later she is now an ‘A’ student. I’m not sure where we would be right now without the customized approach and help of Diane and The Reading School. Thank you!

Sofia Walsh

Toronto, Ontario

How can we help?

Learning to read shouldn’t be a struggle.

Get in touch to discover how our personalized private lessons, group classes and comprehensive literacy assessments can help your child feel successful and you feel calm.

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