Meet Our Founder, Diane
Founder & Director of The Reading School, Diane, has been infatuated with how written language works for over 50 years.
As the child of a Canadian soldier living in Belgium, Diane read & wrote in French before she ever developed those skills in English. When she finally did learn to read English, she spent more time than an 8-year-old probably should trying to figure out why “once” isn’t spelled with a “w”.
Is it any wonder she became an English & French teacher with a focus on reading development and disability! Diane is committed not just to making reading easier for children, but to making teaching reading easier for professionals. Teacher Training and Research-Based Reading Instruction was the subject of her Master’s Thesis.
At The Reading School, Diane works to improve the quality of early reading instruction and remediation hand-in-hand with schools, independent teachers, homeschooling families, and parents.
Diane lives in Toronto with her husband. She is the proud mama of two remarkable women, and five wonderful stepchildren. She is thrilled to be called Gramma / G’Ma by five amazing young souls.
Book a friendly consultation with Diane to discuss your child’s reading & how The Reading School can help.
From Diane’s Blog
8 Helpful Books for Parents of Children with ADHD
In addition to 1:1 educational support for your child with ADHD, these books can help you navigate the world of ADHD symptoms, treatments and strategies.
My child really struggles with spelling! What could that mean?
DIY Reading and STEM Activities for March Break
Help foster their love and knowledge of STEM with these not-too-challenging DIY STEM projects for kids of all ages.