Early Childhood Foundations
1-on-1 Language and Mathematics Skills Instruction for Early LearnersSupport for Struggling Readers
1-on-1 Assessment and Instruction for Dyslexia & Learning Disabilities
When your intuition says your child needs support,
we’ll help you build the foundation.
Essential skills from the start.
Our ECE (Early Childhood Education) Foundations program offers one-on-one instruction for the youngest learners.
ECE Foundations Online is appropriate for children, ages 5 to 6, who are at risk for learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD, and for children who are struggling with preschool work in math, language and literacy.
Listen to your intuition and help your child get the best possible start for school success.

Give your child the language & literacy skills they need to succeed in Kindergarten, Grade 1 and beyond.
The Reading School ECE Foundations Online will include some or all of the following, depending on your child’s lesson schedule and assessed needs:
Early Literacy (Reading / Writing / Spelling)
- print awareness
- identifying letters of the alphabet and the sounds they represent
- categorizing letters as upper and lower case
- early phonological skills (e.g., rhyming, blending syllables)
- early phonemic skills (e.g., identifying the first sound of a word)
- high frequency word recognition
- forming letters
- journal writing
- writing name
- vocabulary development
- compound words
- multi-meaning words
- irregular plurals
- comparatives (longer, taller)
- superlatives (highest, shortest)
- prepositions (behind, below, beside, under, over, on top…)
- listen to stories and talk about them
- ask and answer questions

Give your child the math & science skills they need to succeed in Kindergarten, Grade 1 and beyond.
The Reading School ECE Foundations Online will include some or all of the following, depending on your child’s lesson schedule and assessed needs:
Numbers & Arithmetic:
- recognize & count numbers to 10, and eventually to 100
- write numbers
- ordinal numbers (first, second, third…)
- single digit addition
- single digit subtraction
Classification & Patterning
- colour, size, and shape
- read, interpret, and create patterns
- pattern core by number, letter, colour, and shape
Time & Measurement
- clock concepts (hour, half hour)
- calendar concepts (month, week, day, date)
- mass and volume
- length and height
- more / less, long / short, heavy / light, etc.
Self & Nature
- 5 senses
- health habits
- animals
- weather
Feel confident in our trusted methods,
and informed with regular reporting.
Stay in touch every step of the way.
After a thorough ECE Foundations Assessment, we’ll tell you personally of our findings and set a course of study specifically for your child.
Over the first month, through weekly reporting and session videos, we will ‘observe’ your child’s progress firsthand and provide you with detailed feedback at the one-month check-in chat.
After that, you’ll stay up-to-date with a monthly report card letting you know exactly how your child’s time is being spent, and how they’re progressing.
If any concerns arise, we’ll be in touch to lend our support.

Hear From More Happy Parents
The Reading School has been helping children from kindergarten to university since 2000.
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if my child needs this?
ECE Foundations Online is appropriate for children, ages 5 to 6, who are at risk for learning disabilities and ADD/ADHD ~ and for children who are struggling with preschool work in math, language and literacy.
After assessment, we’ll determine an individualized learning plan with measurable goals for your child’s progress and success.
Is this a replacement for kindergarten?
No. There are myriad social-emotional, developmental and academic benefits to the kindergarten curriculum delivered in schools. This program is not a substitute for school.
Our ECE Foundations will complement and align with the kindergarten curriculum to provide remediation and enrichment in the areas of math, literacy, and language as determined to be required through your child’s comprehensive assessment.
What will my child learn in ECE Foundations?
Through the research-based ECE approach and our effective curriculum, your child will learn the skills they need to prepare
Our teachers will work with your child to learn:
- language arts and comprehension
- early literacy skills, including reading and writing readiness
- number sense and single-digit arithmetic
- classification and patterning
- measurement and time
- and more!
What is the typical schedule for ECE Foundations?
Our accessible, online lessons can fit around your family’s schedule. Lessons are available before and after school, during school hours, and on weekends. (Please note, teachers do not provide lessons on statutory holidays.)
These one-on-one lessons are 30 or 45 minutes long. To ensure your child’s continued progress, minimum enrolments are required. Packages are available for more frequent lessons.
How will I know what my child is learning?
Over the first month, through weekly reporting and session videos, we will ‘observe’ your child’s progress firsthand and provide you with detailed feedback at the one-month check-in chat.
After that, you’ll stay up-to-date with a monthly report card letting you know exactly how your child’s time is being spent, and how they’re progressing. If any concerns arise, we’ll be in touch to lend our support.
We’re ready to support you in supporting your child
The first step is the most powerful: accepting your child may need help to reach their reading and academic potential.
Reach out to discuss your concerns with our qualified, caring staff and our Director, Diane Duff. We’ll be in touch within 24-48 hours to answer your questions.